Mary McDowell Friends School
26,000 SF Alterations • Awards: 2011 AS&U Magazine Outstanding Design for Interior Design Work
Creating environments to extend student interaction outside the classroom.
Mary McDowell Upper School offers a rich, supportive and challenging college preparatory program for students with learning disabilities who have completed eighth grade at the school or who enter from other specialized and mainstream programs. The new division began with approximately twenty ninth graders in the fall of 2010, and will add a grade each year until full enrollment of 144 is reached. The building opened in September 2011 after a significant interior renovation to transform an eighty year old building into a supportive teaching and learning environment in a beautiful landmark neighborhood.
“I can recommend them to you as a team of talented individuals who apply their expertise to our benefit. They have worked diligently for us in maintaining our budget and schedule as well as upholding the qualities that we as a school hold as priorities.”